
What Causes Allergic Reactions in Cats, and What You Can Do About Them?

Many people get allergic reactions to cats, but cats can also suffer from allergies. These are some of the more common feline allergens and what causes them in cats.

-Inhalant allergens are airborne particles that can irritate a cat's respiratory system, causing symptoms that are similar to asthma. In some cases inhalant allergens lead to hair loss and skin lesions. The dust from kitty litter is often a cause. Other offenders include pollen, tobacco smoke, perfumes, household cleaners, and dust.
-Contact allergies are caused by physical contact with a substance that causes a reaction in your cat. Common contact allergens include household cleaners, plants, dust, wool, synthetic fibers, and wool.
-Flea allergies are very common in cats. The allergy often becomes worse as the cat gets older, as it becomes more sensitive to flea saliva, which is injected when the flea bites. Some cats can have a massive allergic reaction from just one flea bite.

-Food allergies are also common in cats. Grains and dairy products are often the worst offenders. Some cats are allergic to meats, dyes, preservatives, and other additives found in cat foods and treats. Sometimes it takes years for a food allergy to show up in a cat.
-Drug allergies also occur in some cats. There is no way to predict when a cat is allergic to a particular drug, so it is important to observe your cat carefully when administering any medication or drug.

Removing the source of an allergy in your cat can sometimes control the problem. If your veterinarian suspects that your cat has a food allergy, he or she will often recommend a bland hypoallergenic diet until the symptoms clear up. Vets will often use antihistamines to control the symptoms. In some severe cases, steroids are administered on a short-term basis.
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