
Cats and Dogs as Pets - Comparison

Cats, dog, pet, pets,
Cats are probably the most common house pet in the Western world - far more common than dogs - but are they the best choice for your family - here are is a quick check list to help you choose!

5 Advantages of Cats over Dogs as Pets
  • Cats normally live outside and generally wander free - you don't need to provide a fenced and secure area or a kennel
  • Cats are independent - if you are away for a few days your neighbours can probably feed them.
  • Cats are quickly and easily house trained.
  • Cats don't generally need obedience training!
  • Cats don't need human companionship so are unlikely to be a nuisance if you are away from home most of the day.
Five Disadvantages of Cats over Dogs as Pets
  • Cats can kill native animals and some local Councils now ban outside cats for this reason.
  • Cats don't need you - some cats are playful but will not become the companion for life that a dog can be.
  • Cats can create a lot of mess and destruction if they decide their territory is threatened and they need to spray.
  • Cats are a deterrent to criminals or annoying door-to-door salesmen - a dog living in a house can be a fantastic deterrent - regardless of its lack of guard dog skills.
  • Cats take themselves for walks - dogs take you and can be a great exercise companion.
In general a cat will cost you less than a dog to have as a pet. Particularly if you need to provide a safe place for a dog to live and take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add up quickly.
One area though that cats can cost as much as dogs in vet bills. Checking out your options for cheap cat insurance maybe be worthwhile before you commit to the acquiring the animal. Even in that traditional home of dog lovers,the UK, cat insurance is a growing market as cats become more popular.
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