
7 Things You Didn’t Know About Cats

As owners of pet cats or kittens, or even as laymen, below are certain facts which you may have not known about cats.
1. The Extra finger
Cats have a sixth finger called the carpal pad on the inside of their wrists of the front paws. It does not aid them while walking but is used while jumping about here and there. A fit and healthy cat can jump up to 5 times its own height. Some cats tend to jump up just before an earthquake as they feel the vibration through their sensitive pads.
2. Body Temperatures
In spite of the fury coats on their body, cats can tolerate high temperatures pretty well. They show no sign of discomfort until the body temperature crosses 126 degrees farhenite as compared to 112 for humans.
3. Nose Communication & Eye contact
Two cats do not use nose to nose method to communicate quiet often. But cats who know each other well and have been apart for a while use the nose to nose communication to acknowledge the presence of each other and find out about each other’s well-being. Also, cats are not very comfortable with making direct eye contact. They rarely do so. To make friends with a new cat, look once and then blink and look away.
4. Happy and bright Surroundings
Firstly, cats prefer bright sunshine. Give them open spaces to move around in the house. Secondly, cats like humans who do not comprehend the concept of punishment. They have to be rewarded and pushed for a good demeanor and actions.
5. My friend Meat
Meat is a cat’s best friend. Because of the strong kidney, cats can survive only on meat without any additional water. Also, cats use meat to clean their teeth.
 6. Protective Reflexes
Most of us are aware that cats have whiskers to help them move around in the dark. But not many of us know that these whiskers trigger protective blink reflexes to prevent any damage to the eyes.
7. Certain Facts
Cats will never greet you on their own, you have to go and pat them. A cat should be kept away from chocolates. Though cats prefer naps many of them do sleep for a long time as well, and many of them also snore. They love sinks, so if your cat is missing, look in the bathroom or in the kitchen sink.
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